APF Exhibition Results 2018


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Thailand 2018 World Stamp Exhibition 30 Nov – 3 Dec


Sharjah Stamp Exhibition 2018 13 – 17 Nov 2018

(NOTE: Medal awards  are International level.)

Bernard BestonAvis de Reception - the AR System of Australia 1966 - 2016Postal History81V
David CollyerPostal Charges on Airmail France to Australia 1930 -1993Postal History83V
John MooreTreatment and handling of Australian Registered mail 1900-1966Postal History85LV
Gary BrownPostal Stationery of NatalPostal Stationery88LV
Frank PauerAustralian Aerogrammees to 1980 - the Note Printing Branch EraPostal Stationery86LV
Lionel SavinsThe Department of Education Postcards of New Zealand 1927 -1971Postal Stationery84V
David FiggThe Independent Order of rechabitesPostcards83V
David FiggThe Adelaide Hills Railway ViaductPostcards80V
Tasmanian Philatelic SocietyThe Courier: Journal of the Tasmanian Philatelic SocietyLiterature87LV

Armistice Stamp Exhibition Dunedin 9-11 November 2018

NameTitle of ExhibitClassPointsMedal
Anne HutchinsonCanadian Prairie First Flight CoversAerophilately 68 Silver
Andrew SmallTrans-Tasman Flight Covers 1928-1940Aerophilately 74 Large Silver
Ed WolfMail Across the South Atlantic 1928-1940Aerophilately 87 Gold
Tim SchofieldGB First Day Covers of the 3 kings 1911-1951FDC 72 Large Silver
Bruce HaynesWestern Australia: World War IPostal History Marcophily 75Vermeil
Tim SchofieldSpanish Variable Value Stamps 1979 to 2018Modern Traditional 73 Large Silver
David BurkeThe 'Mt Pinatubo' Postal Tax StampsOne Frame 80 Large Vermeil
Elspeth BodleyBritish forces in Egypt 1932-1940One Frame 73 Large Silver
Jenny RolandAustralian Counter Printed StampsOne Frame 66 Silver
Jon TiernanQueensland Railway and Tramway Freight Stamps Pre-Decimal Period 1867-1966One Frame 81 Large Vermeil 
MD Zahidul IslamMahatma Gandhi's Major Iconic Movements in IndiaOne Frame 81 Large Vermeil
Ross DuberalFiji War Stamp Overprints 1915-1920One Frame 85 Gold
Gary DiffenPreparations for War and the Australians Military Campaign at GallipoliOpen 95 Large Gold
Marilyn GendekRemembering Edith CavellOpen 81 Large Vermeil 
Bruce ChaddertonDescent Into The AbyssPostal History 88 Gold
John MooreAustralian Airmail Rates 1921 to 1945Postal History 76 Vermeil
Mark Diserio"The Queen's Men" - A Study of the Gubernatorial Frank Stamps of AustraliaPostal History 85 Gold
David BurkeControlling and Managing Mail - Modern EraPostal History 85 Gold
John HiggsThe First AIF - November 1914 to Mid 1916Postal History 80 Large Vermeil
Lynda McCarthy"Maheno and Marama"Postal History 73 Large Silver
Alex NuijtenNetherlands Issue Fur Collar Postcards 1899-1927Postal Stationery 79 Vermeil
Alma DownesPiering Out to SeaPostcard 78 Vermeil
David FiggArthur Ebenezer Pitt (1859-1935)Postcards 82 Large Vermeil
David FiggJetties of South AustraliaPostcards 84  Large Vermeil
Dingle SmithThe Kingston Earthquake of 1907Postcards 83 Large Vermeil
Elspeth BodleyRiver Thames in the Golden AgePostcards 82 Large Vermeil
Lorenzo GiardielloWorld War One Silk PostcardsPostcards 86 Gold
David CollyerQANTAS Fleet DevelopsPostcards One Frame 74 Large Silver
Bernie BestonEcuador Papel Sellado Stamped Revenue Paper 1882-1884Revenues 82 Large Vermeil
Gary BrownSouth Africa - 1910 to 1932 - The 1st RevenuesRevenues 91 Large Gold
Robert NevilleThe Revenue Stamps of GibraltarRevenues 93 Large Gold
John FranklinThe ShellThematics 61 Silver Bronze
Glen StaffordPostage and Official Stamps: The Seebeck Era 1890-99Traditional 78 Vermeil
Graeme MorrissAustralia Remembers the ANZACs and the Gallipoli CampaignTraditional 66 Silver
Graeme MorrissNew Zealand Remembers the ANZACs and the Gallipoli CampaignTraditional 64 Silver Bronze
Linda LeeAlgeria Pre-IndependenceTraditional 85 Gold
Michael BlinmanNew South Wales 1888-1913Traditional 85 Gold
Paul BarsdellSarawakTraditional 88 Gold
Penny WellsNew Zealand: The Penny UniversalsTraditional 80 Large Vermeil
Sarah HarveyHong Kong Definitives 1912-1937 including CHINA OverprintsTraditional 80 Large Vermeil
Indigo FranklinSoccerYouth 63  Silver Bronze
Tully O’ReganDogsYouth 61 Silver Bronze
Wynter O’ReganPAINTERS AND THEIR WORKYouth 63 Silver Bronze
Zac FranklinCRICKETYouth 72 Large Silver

Exfil (Chile) 2018 Philatelic Exhibition

Richard GurevitchHaiti 1915-1920 Provisional IssuesTrad88LV
James HowardBrunei 1894 - 1947Trad82V
Darryl FullerThe development of the Commercial Mails of the CaribbeanPH82V
Geoffrey LewisCuba Maritime Postsal HistoryPH95LG
Ian McMahonQueensland Postal StationeryPS83V
Bernie BestonBritish Guiana The Airmal StoryAero90G
Glen StaffordNicaragua - Airmail StampsAero90G

Macao 2018 – 35th Asian International Stamp Exhibition 21 Sept 2018

Russell BoylanSt. Vincent - The De La Rue Period8CCGPH Candidate
Gary BrownSouth Africa - Postage Dues Sterling Period (1913 - 1961)5TraditionalLV88SP
Gary BrownAden: From British Colony to People's Republic8TraditionalLV86
David BensonTonga: The Early Period8TraditionalLV89SP
John MooreAustralian Airmail Rates 1921 to 19455PHLV86
Darryl FullerThe Development of Commercial Airmail Routes in the Carribbean5PHLV87
Bruce ChaddertonRepublic of China Mail Rates to North America (2/9/1945-14/2/1950)5PHV80
Tony GriifinPostal and Letter Card development in the Austro-Hungarian Empire5PSLV85
Ian McMahonPost Bands and Wrappers of Canada5PSV83
Bernard BestonEcuador - The Postal Stationery 1884 - 19388PSG93SP
Linda LeeFlower Magic8ThematicG90
Charles BromserWomen in German History Definitives 19865ModernLS77
John Moore1988 Australia Living Together5ModernV82
Michel RolandElectronic Counter Services and Australia Post5ModernLV86
Paul XavierTerritory of Papua New Guinea - 1964 Health Services Commemorative Issue1Traditional82
James JohnstoneThe 1900 Patriotic Fund Charity Stamps of Queensland and Victoria1Traditional90
Michel Roland"Green Emu" - The Australian Frama Reprint Paper1Traditional82
David BurkeThe "Mt. Pinatubo Fund" Postal Tax Stamps1Traditional75
Stephen BrowneNew South Wales Stampless Mail 1850 - 18521PH93SP
Australian Philatelic FederationAustralian Booklets: The Arthur Gray CollectionLiteratureV80
Ian McMahonPostal Stationery CollectorLiteratureV83
Australian Philatelic FederationAPF NewsLiteratureLS75
David FiggThe Australian AerophilatelistLiteratureLS76
Brusden WhiteThe Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogue - Postal Statioery including Australian TerritoriesLiteratureG91SP
Martin WalkerInternational, Imperial and Commonowealth Reply Coupons.5UPUInvited

Praga 2018 15 – 18 August

Nancy Gray Australian Specimen Stamps 90Gold
Penny Wells NZ 1d. Universals85 Large Vermeil
Malcolm Groom Australian External Airmails86 Large Vermeil
Bernard Beston Avis de Reception87 Large Vermeil
Ian McMahon Postal Stationery Collector80Vermeil
James Johnstone 1897 Consumptives NSW88(1 Frame)
Gary Brown South Africa Revenues 87Large Vermeil

SAVPEX 2018 – National Virtual One Frame Exhibition – Bloemfontein, South Africa 22 & 23 September

SAVPEX 2018 - National Virtual One Frame Exhibition - Bloemfontein, South Africa 22 & 23 September
ExhibitorExhibit TitlePointsClass
Harry Lower South Australia's "Tannenbergs" 92[Trad]
Rodney Kantor Northern Rhodesia's 1963 Definitive Issue90[Trad]
David FiggCircular Quay, Hub of Sydney 86[PPC]
Bruce Haynes Western Australian Contingents: Second Anglo Boer War 1899-190285[PH]
Harry Lower The Halfpenny "Bantams" of South Australia85[Trad]
January 28, 1900Katanga - The 1960/61 overprints 83[Trad]
Roger EggletonAustralian Parcels Post Labels P.P.1. & P.P.2. 82[PH]
David FiggThe Adelaide Hills Railway Viaduct82[PPC]
Gordon MonkA Study of the KGV 1d RA joined variety82[Trad]
Rodney Kantor Republic of Biafra - internal and outgoing mail in a time of Conflict and Shortage81[PH]
Michel Roland Nurse Edith Cavell 81[PPC]
Pauline Edwards Different Materials80[PPC]
Harry LowerAustralian Bird Series 1964 - 1965 First Day Covers80[FDC]
Marilyn Gendek The Scottish Womans Hospital Roy Aumont 1914 - 1918 79[Open]
Nicholas Cutajar The Pre-adhesive Circular Handstamps of Malta 76[MARCP]
Michel RolandBritish "Barcode" Stamp Booklets76[Modern]
Pauline Edwards Appliqued Materials69[PPC]

Royal Canadian national stamp exhibition June 22-24

Ed WolfCrossing the South Atlantic by air 1922-1940583LV
Geoff KellowThe Air letters of Sierra Leone 1944-1971388G
Bruce ChaddertonRepubic of China airmail rates 02/09/1945 to 14/02/1950

Barbara HancockThe Diadem issues of New South Wales583LV
Lionel SavinsDepartment of Education postcards of New Zealand587G

Israel June 2018

Name of Exhibitor.Name of ExhibitFramesPointsMedal
Colin BeechUS Special Delivery Stamp Issues 1885-1957883V
Stephen BrownePostal History of New South Wales 1801-18498WSC
Bruce ChaddertonDescent into the Abyss - A Philatelic Retelling of the Shoah588LV +Fel
David CollyerPostal Charges on Airmail France-Australia 1930-1993587LV
Philip LevineGold Coast Queen Victoria588LV
Geoffrey LewisCuba Maritime Postal History897LG
Glen StaffordForces mail in Western Australia during World War Two886LV

Hong Kong Stampex 2018 Results

Bernie BestonPostal StationeryBritish Guiana Postal Stationery91Gold
Glen StaffordPostal StationerySiam’s Postal Cards80LV
Paul XavierTraditionalFiji Architecture Series76V

Canberra 2018 Exhibition Results

Colin BeechGold87Best Title PageU.S. Special Delivery Stamps and Services, 1885 - 1954National - Traditional
Tim RodgerVermeil78Australia's Inaugural Decimal Definitive Series of 1966National - Traditional
Gordon MonkGold88Surface Printed Varieties of Australian King George V 1d.National - Traditional
Glen StaffordLarge V ermeil81Nicaraguan Postage and Official Stamps (The Seebeck Era 1890-99)National - Traditional
Russell TurnerLarge V ermeil80Victoria: The 2/6d Fee StampNational - judged as Revenue
Tim BeachLarge V ermeil83New Zealand 1960 PictorialsNational - Traditional
Rod KantorLarge V ermeil81Southern Rhodesia in the Era of King George VINational - Traditional
Jon TiernanLarge V ermeil80Western Australia Railway Freight Stamps Pre-decimal Period 1905-1966National - Traditional
Nancy GrayLarge Gold91Best Traditional including ModernSpecimen, Presentation and Cancelled to Order Stamps of Australia 1901-1966National - Traditional
Sarah HarveyLarge Vermeil83The Hong Kong Definitives 1912-1921 and 1921-1937 including CHINA OverprintsNational - Traditional
Malcolm GascoyneLarge Vermeil83A Study of De la Rue's Production of Sarawak StampsNational - Traditional
Anthony PresgraveLarge Gold90Research PrizeDepartmental Stamps of South AustraliaNational - Traditional
Bill JenkinsLarge Vermeil82Charles Naish Designs of Victoria, Australia, 1880-1910National - Traditional
Ross DuberalGold85B.M.A. MalayaNational - Traditional
Timothy R MorganGold86The Scroll Issue of CanadaNational - Traditional
David RobertsVermeil76Koala CountsNational - Traditional
Linda WeldenVermeil77Lundy Island 1929-61National - Traditional
Richard GurevitchLarge Vermeil83Guatemala: 1886 'Railway Bond' IssueNational - Traditional
J Patrick LongfieldLarge Vermeil82British North Borneo 1883-1925National - Traditional
Eric HurrellLarge Vermeil82Australia: The Kingaroo and Map Stamps (1913-1947)National - Traditional
Lindsay ChittyLarge Vermeil84New Zealand's First Stamp Issue: The Full Face QueensNational - Traditional
Stephen ChiversLarge Vermeil82N.Z. 1985-90 Janet Marshall Designed Endangered BirdsNational - Traditional
Trevor SpencerLarge Vermeil82W.A. Surface Printed "De La Rue Swan" 1871-1912National - Traditional
David CollyerLarge Vermeil82Architecture Series - 4th Defintive of Republic of South AfricaNational - Modern
John MooreGold861988 Australia Living TogetherNational - Modern
Bernard BestonLarge Vermeil81Formula Registered Envelopes of Eastern AfricaNational - Frugal
Denise Ann RosenfeldtLarge Vermeil83Best National Other ClassesNew Zealand Post Office Fast Post ServiceNational - Frugal
Ed WolfVermeil77Crossing the South Atlantic by Air 1922-1940National - Topical
Michael BlinmanLarge Vermeil80American World Fairs 1939-1940National - Topical
Gary DiffenLarge Gold92Best In ShowPreparation for War and the Australian Light Horse Campaign: Egypt to Syria 1914-1918 National - Open
Anthony ScottSilver66Australian Wartime Postal Services 1939 to 1952National - Open
K. A. TaylorSilver Bronze61Tobacco in WartimeNational - Open
Terry WaggVermeil78An Alphabetical Journey through the Engravings of Czeslaw SlaniaNational - Open
Mark DiserioVermeil75A Philatelic History of the Snowy Mountains SchemeNational - Open
Marilyn GendekVermeil75Florence Nightingale: The Path to a LegendNational - Open
Sue SimmondsGold85In Pursuit of the North PoleNational - Open
Lynne NichollLarge Vermeil82BeesNational - Open
Miklos DombaySilver Bronze64The Blue Danube - Europe's Iconic RiverNational - Open
Paul McTaggartLarge Vermeil82Supreme ValourNatiional - Open
Monica M. ComrieGold85Ed Druce Memorial PrizeHoneyNational - Open
Kim D. DwyerLarge Vermeil80The Battle of HMAS Sydney and the SMS Emden 9th November 1914, Cocos Islands, Indian OceanNational - Open
Kevin W. DwyerLarge Vermeil80Aubrey Gotley and the ANARE Base Heard Island 1947-55National - Open
John MooreVermeil77Coconut - The Palm of LifeNational - Open
Andrew SmallSilver69The MacRobertson Air Race London to Melbourne in 1934National - Open
Amy RosenfeldtGold85Best Youth ExhibitNew Zealand Rose DefinitivesNational - Youth
Isabella BeachLarge Silver73Runner Up Best YouthThe World's Most Popular SportNational - Youth
Samantha RoweLarge Vermeil81Children's Literature - A HistoryNational - Youth
Emma RoweVermeil78Dessert - A History of TemptationNational - Youth
K.A. TaylorSilver68Monte Carlo RallyNational - judged as Topical
Wendy BuckleLarge Vermeil81Betty van Tenac Memorial PrizePaper Past and PresentNational - Thematic Philately
Anne StammersVermeil77Rocks to RichesNational - Thematic Philately
Bernard Beston(Gold Challenge)Winner Gold ChallengeThe AR System of Australia and ColoniesThe Gold Challenge
Richard Gurevitch(Gold Challenge)Haiti: 1915-1920 "Provisional" IssuesThe Gold Challenge
James Shaw(Gold Challenge)New Zealand Wages Tax Issues 1931-1959The Gold Challenge
Jon Tiernan(Gold Challenge)Victorian Railway Freight Stamps - the "Winged" Stamps Period 1917-1941The Gold Challenge
Frank PauerLarge Gold92Runner up Best In ShowAustralian "Official Post Office" First Day Covers to 1970National - First Day Covers
Michael FreemanGold81Best StateThe 1865 Duloz Stamps of the Ottoman EmpireState - One Frame
Anthony LyonGold81Runner Up Best StateNew Zealand Forces Mail to and from the South Pacific 1940-1945State - Postal History
Anne HutchinsonLarge Silver69Encouragement AwardCanadian First Flight CoversState - Aerophilately
Vivienne ScottLarge Vermeil78A Bushwalking Trip on the Six Foot Track & the Federal Pass - "With Swag and Billy", 1906State - Postcards
Michelle McCarthyLarge Silver66Buckingham Palace and the House of WindsorState - Postcards
Pauline EdwardsSilver61CinderellaState - New Exhibit Postcards Challenge
Pauline EdwardsVermeil73Nursery RhymesState - New Exhibit Postcards Challenge
David CollyerLarge Vermeil75Winner Postcard ChallengeQantas Fleet DevelopesState - New Exhibit Postcards Challenge
Edward LeanLarge Silver65Australian Christmas First Day of IssueState - First Day Covers
Clyde F. ZiegelerSilver60Jaipur Silver Jubilee Fiscal StampsState - Revenues
Vera RadnellLarge Vermeil76Introducing FalconryState - One Frame
Marilyn GendekVermeil72A Timeline of Nursing in AustraliaState - Open

Newcastle 2018 Exhibition Results

Exhibit Number
1A Postal History of the Celebrations for the Centenary of South Australia 193680 LV
Greg Laidler [NSW]
2British Solomon Islands 1898-194382 LV
John Gibson [NSW]
3Controlling and Managing Mail81 LV
David Burke [NSW]
4Missent - Modern Era71 LS
David Burke [NSW]
5Western Tasmania - Prospectors and Post Offices85 G
Malcolm Groom [TAS]
6Civil Censorship Process Australia WWII88 G
Monica Comrie [NZ]
7Methods of Officially Sealing Mail in New Zealand83 LV
Lindsay Chitty [NZ]
8New Zealand Late Fee Service80 LV
Jeff Long [NZ]
9North Borneo - Defence, Occupation and Liberation 1939-194580 LV
Anthony Walker [NSW]
10The Boer War 1899-1902. Prisoners of War Mail90 LG + SP
John Pugsley [NSW]
11ItalyNon Competitive
Ben Peresan[NSW]
12The Postal History of the British Isles to 171185 G
Stephen Browne [NSW]
13Postal History of St. Vincent 1901-195572 LS
Russell Boylan [QLD]
14Postal Routes for International Mail of China during the Sino Japanese War of 1937-194586 G
Albert Cheung [NSW]
15A Special Study: The History of the League of Nations76 V
Greg Galletti [U.S.A.]
16Postal History of Berlin 1945-195280 LV
Tony Brooks [U.S.A.]
17Sweden & Great Britain: Mail Connections till U.P.U.91 LG + SP
Wayne Donaldson [NSW]
18A Postal History Study of Airmail from Iraq 1919-194590 LG + SP
Ahmad Bin Eisa Alserkal [UAE]
19The Station Postal Markings of Egypt68 S
Abdulla Khoory [UAE]
20Postmark types [CDS] of South Vietnam 1955-197565 S + SP
Tim Kennaway [NSW]
21London Postal History - Postmarks80 LV
Raymond Wisbey[NZ]
22Spanish Variable Value Stamps 1979-201777 V
Tim Schofield [NSW]
23Death of a Postal System - Zimbabwean Inflation78 V
Bob Hisey [U.S.A.]
24Trans Tasman Flight Covers 1928-194074 LS
Andrew Small [NSW]
25Development of an Airmail Service to Madagascar 1929-193785 G
David Lee [WA]
26The Department of Education Postcards of New Zealand81 LV
Lionel Savins [NSW]
27Australian Commonwealth Kangaroo Stationery91 LG
Nancy Gray [NSW]
28Tasmanian Embossed Stationery 1883-191292 LG + SP
Malcolm Groom [Tas]
29India Asoka Stationery68 S
Ali Abdulrahman [UAE]
30Australian Aerogrammes 1944-196570 LS
Linda Welden [SA]
31Airletters to Aerogrammes 1944 to 196875 V
Anthony Scott [NSW]
32Pre-decimal Australian Airletters and Aerogrammes.83 LV
Ed Wolf [NSW]
33Australia - Airletters and Aerogrammes 1944-196888 G + SP
Joan Orr [QLD]
34Australia's Note Printing Branch Aerogramme Production to 197185 G + Fel
Martin Walker [SA]
35Australian Airletters and Aerogrammes to 1980 - The Note Printing Branch Era84 LV
Frank Pauer [VIC]
36Fiji - Airmail Letter Cards and Aerogrammes [1944-1992]68 S
Paul Xavier [QLD]
37Air Letters of Burma68 S
Martin Walker [SA]
38Ethiopia Aerogrammes76 V
Bernard Beston [QLD]
39Belgian Aerogrammes - The Complete Story83 LV
Michel Roland [SA]
40Air Letters and Aerogrammes of Canada92 LG + SP
Ian McMahon [ACT]
41Ecuador Papel Sellado 79 V
Bernard Beston [QLD]
42Entertainment Tax in South Africa91 LG + SP
Ian Matheson [South Africa]
43South West African Revenues and Allied Tax Stamps.92 LG + SP
Howard Green [South Africa]
44Picture Postcards of Swaziland72 LS
Peter Van Der Molen [South Africa]
45Albert Kimmerling: His life and Times87 G + SP
David Lee [WA]
46Engineering a City74 LS
Anthony Presgrave [SA]
47Napoleon Meets His Waterloo55 B
Donald Catterall [NSW]
48Hunter Region Shipping60 SB
Donald Catterall [NSW]
49"Street full of Water - Please Advise"86 G
Jenny Roland [SA]
50Jetties of South Australia90 LG + SP
David Figg [SA]
51The Aboriginal People of Western Australia82 LV
Mike Kouwen [WA]
52The Timber Industry in Western Australia83 LV + SP
Mike Kouwen [WA]
53Military New Zealand Hospitals World War I England84 LV
Sue Claridge [NZ]
54French Southern and Antarctic Territories72 LS
Peter Brigden [NSW]
55Amazing Antarctica82 LV
Kim Dwyer [NSW]
56The Story of the A.A.T. life of Wilkes Base 1959 till 196975 V
Kevin Dwyer [NSW]
57Antarctic QSL Cards77 V
David Figg [SA]
58Faroe Islands Postal History to 30.1.7576 V
John Higgs [NSW]
59Legendary Ships in Antarctica77 V + SP
Dianne Saunders [WA]
60Conflict and Peace in the Soviet Arctic Region, 1937-196291 LG + SP
Anthony Walker [NSW]
61Stamps with Goodies67 LS
Vivek Shukla [NSW]
62Australasian Stamp Catalogue, 32nd Edition81 LV
Seven Seas Stamps [NSW]
63Australian Postcard Society Bulletin68 S
Australian Post Card Society [SA]
64Australian Aerophilatelist75 LS
Australian Airmail Society [SA]
65St. Vincent 1899-196583 LV
Russell Boylan [QLD]
66The Arthur Gray Australian Booklet Collection78 LS
Australian Philatelic Federation

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