The One-Up Club
The One-Up Club is a service offered by the APF which seeks to help improve the exhibits of Australian exhibitors by having experienced jurors provide a critique of the exhibit with a view to assisting the exhibitor to raise their exhibit’s medal level by one level – hence the name.
To Participate
To participate, the exhibitor completes the form(below) which will go to the APF Philatelic Development Officer (PDO). The PDO will arrange for the exhibit to be reviewed by an experienced judge in the class of the exhibit and will send details of the delivery address to the exhibitor.
The exhibitor sends a photocopy of their exhibit, together with a short synopsis and pays the fee for the service (currently $30 to cover mainly stationery and postage). Their exhibit will be returned with written advice on how the judge feels the exhibit could be improved to achieve the next medal level.
This service is better than a few minutes in front of a frame at a feedback session that may not be available to an exhibitor who is unable to attend the exhibition. This service is available for exhibitors at both the national and international levels. As a vermeil medal is the minimum requirement for entering an international exhibition, exhibitors who have previously attained a large silver medal at national level and who are interested in exhibiting internationally are particularly encouraged to use the service provided by the One Up Club.
To participate simply complete the form below.
Application Form
Please download and complete this form and email to Stephanie Bromser ONE-UP-CLUB-Appication-Form-13.6.23
Further information
For further information please contact Russell Boylan