


The Victorian Philatelic Council (VPC) is the peak body in Victoria that promotes philately and represents philatelic Clubs.


The composition of the VPC is:

·4 members elected by affiliated Clubs and Societies

·4 members nominated by the Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria

·4 members nominated by the Australasian Philatelic Traders Association

The Council elects office bearers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) as well as officers for: Philatelic Development, and a State Judges’ Co-ordinator.

The current Council members are:

·       Frank Pauer (RPSV) President

·       Stephanie Bromser (BPS) Vice President

·       Charles Bromser (RPSV) Secretary & State Judges’ Coordinator

·       Peter Leitch (RPSV) Treasurer

·       Ross Newton (Ballarat PS) Philatelic Development Officer

·       John Rennie (RPSV) Member

·       John Hewson (Warrigal PS) Member

·       Robert Williamson (APTA) Member

·       Tony Shields (APTA) Member

Affiliated Clubs and Societies

Twenty-seven clubs are affiliated with the VPC.  See the Clubs’ Listing for a Club near you.  If you are planning to visit a Club, please contact the Club to confirm meeting details before you attend.



Annual Exhibition and Congress

The VPC holds an Annual Congress, often in conjunction with a State-level Clubs’ Competition.  An attempt is made to alternate between Melbourne and country Victoria.

Club representatives to the VPC Council are elected at Congress.  Clubs and Societies that are affiliated with the VPC may nominate a representative.  The 2023 Congress is to be held at Brighton Philatelic Society on 30 April 2023 at BRIPHIL House, Gardenvale.

The VPC Award of Merit

The VPC honours philatelists who have made a significant contribution to the advancement of philately in Victoria.  Nominations are sought annually, and awards are presented at our Annual Congress.


The VPC is responsible for the training and accreditation of philatelic judges in Victoria.  Judges’ training courses are conducted by the VPC from time to time depending on demand.  Exhibitors who are interested in becoming a judge should contact the Secretary.

The VPC can provide judges to attend Club and Society competitions.

Exhibition Frames

The VPC maintains a fully enclosed trailer containing 30 double-sided 15-sheet exhibition frames.  Use of the trailer and frames is available free of charge to affiliated Clubs.

Stamp Displays

The VPC has colour copies of many philatelic displays on a wide variety of topics, which may be used at stamp fairs and meetings.  Having copies reduces the security risk associated with the handling of original material.

Youth Activities

The VPC is currently seeking a Youth Development Officer.  Interested philatelists should contact the VPC Secretary.

Contacting the Victorian Philatelic Council

All inquiries about organised philately in Victoria and services provided by the VPC should be sent to:

The VPC Secretary (Charles Bromser) by email at or by telephone at (03) 96903438



Site design © Peter Allan 2024

Site content © Australian Philatelic Federation 2024