Results for Jakarta International Exhibition now available

Jakarta LogoSee the Exhibition Results page for details

EFIRO (Romania) Results now available

EFIRO RoumaniaResults for Australian entries to the EFIRO (FIP) exhibition, Romania 16 – 19 April are now available.[Go to results page…]

APF News

APF News is Now Digital. To join the mailing list, email Darryl Fuller

Latest edition of APF News, Nov 2023 is now available here

Thailand World Stamp Exhibtion2023 results now available

Thailand World Stamp ExhibitionAustralian results for Thailand WSE 2023 are available on the Exhibition Results page [Read more…]

Exhibition Results Perth 2023 Announced

Perth 2023 logoResults and Prizes from Perth 2023 full national stamp exhibition are now on the Results page [Read more…]

Melbourne International FIAP Exhibition postponed until late 2025

We regret to advise that due to significant competing priorities as well as the move of the support office and archives, Australia Post is unable to support the Melbourne 2024 exhibition in 2024. The exhibition will need to be postponed to the later part of 2025 and the new date will not be able to be confirmed until late 2023 or early 2024 when the Melbourne Racing Club has confirmed its racing calendar

AustraliaPost_logoAustralia Post  – the APF’s major sponsor. Visit the Stamps and Collectables page

APF Executive

The APF Executive for 2023 – 24 were elected at the Annual General Meeting in Melbourne in Sept 2022.

  • President – Frank Pauer
  • Vice-president – Stephanie Bromser
  • Immediate Past President – Peter Allan
  • Secretary – Ian McMahon.
  • Treasurer – David Figg
  • Philatelic Development Officer – Darryl Fuller
  • International Officer – Glen Stafford
  • State Liaison Officer – John Moore

See the APF Executive page for a full list of Executive officers and contact details and Project Officers page for details of all Project Officers

Last Updated 15 July 2024

Site design © Peter Allan 2024

Site content © Australian Philatelic Federation 2024