APF Annual General Meeting

The APF Annual General Meeting brings together the Executive of the APF, APF Project Officers, FIP Commission delegates, member State Council delegates, and others involved in promoting philately throughout Australia under the auspices of the APF. The APF’s Annual Report including reports from members of the Executive, Project Officers, Commission Delegates and State Councils is presented at the meeting.

A State Council’s Forum which is also run on the AGM weekend provides an additional opportunity for ideas and initiatives to be explored and debated which often results in numerous new services and programs being available to collectors and exhibitors.

APF AGM 2023

The APF AGM for 2023 was held in Brisbane on Saturday 29 September 2023 at the QPC headquarters.

At the Awards Dinner on the evening of 29th, Sheryl Roy, Australia Post was awarded the Honorary Fellow of Australian Philately by APF President, Frank Pauer.

Anthony Presgrave was made an Emeritus Judge.

View or download the APF Annual Report 2023

APF AGM 2022

The APF AGM was held in Melbourne on 8 Cotober 2022. At the Awards Dinner, Ian McMahon was awarded the Fellow of Australian Philately and John Moore and Anthony Presgrave were awarded the Member of Australian Philately.


APF AGM 2021

The AGM for 2021 was held via Zoom video conference on Sunday 29 August 2021.

We expect to hold the annual Awards Dinner and State Forum when circumstances allow APF AGM 2021



APF AGM 29 August 2021

APF AGM 29 August 2021

AGM 2020

The AGM for 2019/20 was conducted by Zoom video conference 12 Dec 2020.


APF AGM 2019

The AGM for 2019 was held at the Rosstown Hotel, Carnegie, Melbourne on Sat 7 Sept 2019.

On this occasion, a Member of Australian Philately Award was presented to Darryl Fuller and an Australian Philatelic Research Award was presented to David Collyer. Alan  Grey also took the opportunity to sign the Judges Register. Citations for Darryl and David can be found on the APO recipients page.

AGM 2018

The AGM for 2018 was held on Saturday 8 Sept 2018 at the SAPHIL House, Adelaide . A Span award was presented to Lionel Savins for service to Philately at the National Level.

The Awards Dinner  was held at the Naval, Military and Airforce Club in Adelaide. Two APF Research Awards  were presented to Bill Fiora of WA and Richard Gurevitch from ACT.


AGM 2017

The AGM for 2017 was held on Saturday 16 Sept 2017 at Purves House, Melbourne.  A SPAN Award was presented to Gaye and Graeme Chequer for services to philately at the National level during the meeting. Kim and Kevin Dwyer are also SPAN recipients but were not able to be present.

The APF Awards Dinner was held on Saturday evening where Dr Geoffrey Kellow was awarded the Fellow of Australian Philately.

Hugh Freeman and Gordon Monk have both been awarded an APF Research Award but were unable to be present. Their Awards are to be presented in their home States.

AGM 2016

The 2016 Annual General Meeting was held in Adelaide on 17th September. The Awards Dinner was held on Saturday evening  and APF Awards were presented to Ross Wood and  Charles Bromser.

AGM 2015

The 2015 APF Annual General Meeting was held at Purves House, Melbourne on 29 August 2015. The APF Annual Report was presented the meeting

A full list of contacts of the APF can be found on our contacts page.

Site design © Peter Allan 2024

Site content © Australian Philatelic Federation 2024